第三章: 航海日志缺页之谜 The missing page in the log-book | 沙洲之谜(简化版)
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Next morning, we found the Dulcibella wrapped in thick fog, which meant, of course, that nothing could be done until it lifted. After breakfast, we heard someone on deck, and a short, grey-haired man appeared in the cabin doorway.
"Bartels!" cried Davies. "Was that the Johannes that I heard arrive last night? Have some coffee." He spoke in his very poor German. "This is my friend, Carruthers. Captain Bartels of the Johannes," he added to me, and went to make some coffee.
Bartels said quietly to me, "It is good for Captain Davies to have a friend with him. He is a fine young man, but he is too brave, he takes too many risks."
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第三章: 航海日志缺页之谜 The missing page in the log-book