第十章 | 超能陆战队
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Hiro chased the cable car as it headed downhill. "Hey! Hold up! Stop!" he yelled. But by the time Hiro reached it, Baymax had hopped off.
Hiro glanced in stores and down streets. He searched everywhere before finally looking up. A puffy white figure strolled along the edge of the elevated train tracks. Hiro gasped as a train rushed past and almost knocked the robot off of the ledge. "Baymax!" he shouted, but he had lost him again.
He continued to follow the sounds of traffic chaos, knowing it was probably Baymax who was causing the commotion.
Hiro was almost out of breath. He stopped and took a look around. He'd been too focused on Baymax to notice, but now he realized he was in a run-down, industrial part of town. Everything looked dark and abandoned.
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