(86) 维娅的秘密 Via’s Secret | 奇迹男孩
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A couple of days after spring break ended, Mom found out that Via hadn't told her about a school play that was happening at her high school the next week. And Mom was mad. Mom doesn't really get mad that much (though Dad would disagree with that), but she was really mad at Via for that. She and Via got into a huge fight. I could hear them yelling at each other in Via's room. My bionic Lobot ears could hear Mom saying: "But what is with you lately, Via? You're moody and taciturn and secretive…"
"What is so wrong with my not telling you about a stupid play?" Via practically screamed. "I don't even have a speaking part in it!"
"Your boyfriend does! Don't you want us to see him in it?"
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(86) 维娅的秘密 Via’s Secret