第二十章: 新的敌人 I Get a New Enemy for Christmas | 波西·杰克逊3: 巨神之咒
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Before I left Olympus, I decided to make a few calls. It wasn't easy, but I finally found a quiet fountain in a corner garden and sent an Iris-message to my brother, Tyson, under the sea. I told him about our adventures, and Bessie -- he wanted to hear every detail about the cute baby cow serpent -- and I assured him that Annabeth was safe. Finally I got around to explaining how the shield he'd made me last summer had been damaged in the manticore attack.
"Yay!" Tyson said. "That means it was good! It saved your life!"
"It sure did, big guy," I said. "But now it's ruined."
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第二十章: 新的敌人 I Get a New Enemy for Christmas