乔伊亚:以简单的愉悦换取更复杂、更有挑战性的快乐 Dana Gioia: Trade Easy Pleasures for More Complex and Challenging Ones | 英语美文: 演说
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We need to create a new national consensus. The purpose of arts education is not to produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society.
This is not happening now in American schools. Even if you forget the larger catastrophe that only 70 percent of American kids now graduate from high school, what are we to make of a public education system whose highest goal seems to be producing minimally competent entry-level workers?
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乔伊亚:以简单的愉悦换取更复杂、更有挑战性的快乐 Dana Gioia: Trade Easy Pleasures for More Complex and Challenging Ones