惊弓之鸟 A Bird Frightened by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring | 中国成语寓言故事
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There was an archer named Geng Ying in the State of Wei. He went sightseeing with the King of Wei at Jingtai. At that time a bird was circling around in the sky, uttering sad and shrill cries now and then. The King of Wei looked up at it for a while and said to Geng Ying:
"Do you see that bird? Can you shoot it down?"
"I can shoot it down without using an arrow," Geng Ying said.
After a while, the bird flew near. Geng Ying pulled his bow to the full, plucked the bowstring, and at the sound the bird fell to the ground before their feet.
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惊弓之鸟 A Bird Frightened by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring