第一篇 星星之火 The Spark 第一章: 胜利巡演在即 | 饥饿游戏2: 燃烧的女孩
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I clasp the flask between my hands even though the warmth from the tea has long since leached into the frozen air. My muscles are clenched tight against the cold. If a pack of wild dogs were to appear at this moment, the odds of scaling a tree before they attacked are not in my favor. I should get up, move around, and work the stiffness from my limbs. But instead I sit, as motionless as the rock beneath me, while the dawn begins to lighten the woods. I can't fight the sun. I can only watch helplessly as it drags me into a day that I've been dreading for months.
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第一篇 星星之火 The Spark 第一章: 胜利巡演在即