十二个猎人 The Twelve Huntsmen | 格林童话
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Once upon a time there was a prince who had a fiancee whom he loved very much. Once when he was sitting beside her very happily, news came that his father was deathly ill, and wanted to see him before he died.
Then he said to his beloved, "I must now go and leave you. I give you a ring to remember me by. As soon as I am king, I will return and take you home with me."
Then he rode away, and when he reached his father, the latter was mortally ill and near death.
The king said to him, "My dearest son, I wanted to see you one more time before my end. Promise me to marry the woman of my choice," and he named a certain princess who was to become his wife.
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十二个猎人 The Twelve Huntsmen