第九章: 谜底 The answer to the riddle | 沙洲之谜(简化版)
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"Godbye, old man," called Davies, as the ferry pulled slowly out of Norderney. He looked tired and depressed as he waved goodbye to me, and I was only half awake myself. It was Davies who had woken me, fed me, and packed my bag with motherly care. We had not had time to discuss any further plans, except that he should expect my return on about the 26th, the day after the Germans" meeting.
Böhme was on the ferry too, keeping a close eye on me. However, I managed to get away from him for a few minutes, in order to read Davies's note to me, which he had put into my hand at the last moment. It said:
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第九章: 谜底 The answer to the riddle