With Agnes's encouragement I felt much stronger, and no longer depressed. My life now bad a purpose. I intended to work as hard as I could, to help my aunt and to earn enough money to marry Dora. I got up every morning at five o'clock, walked to Dr Strong's house on the other side of London, worked with him for two hours every morning, and then walked back to Mr Spenlow's office, where I spent most of the day in the law courts. Then I returned to Dr Strong's for two or three more hours in the evening, and finally came home to my flat, where my aunt, Peggotty and Mr Dick would be waiting for me. I was glad to be able to tell my aunt that Dr Strong would pay me seventy pounds a year for my work. With that, and the rent from my aunt's house in Kent, we could live quite well, if we were careful. Because I was young and healthy, I did not mind hard work, and whenever I was tired, I told myself, "You're doing it for Dora!" and that made me work even harder.
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第八章: 大卫的新生活