第十部 第七章: 夏多佩驰援来到 Chateaupers to the Rescue |
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The reader will, perhaps, recall the critical situation in which we left Quasimodo. The brave deaf man, assailed on all sides, had lost, if not all courage, at least all hope of saving, not himself (he was not thinking of himself), but the gypsy. He ran distractedly along the gallery. Notre-Dame was on the point of being taken by storm by the outcasts. All at once, a great galloping of horses filled the neighboring streets, and, with a long file of torches and a thick column of cavaliers, with free reins and lances in rest, these furious sounds debouched on the Place like a hurricane,— "France! France! cut down the louts! Châteaupers to the rescue! Provostship! Provostship!"
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第十部 第七章: 夏多佩驰援来到 Chateaupers to the Rescue