"It's outrageous. Scandalous." The stranger had clearly decided that, as reading was out, he would concentrate on the next best thing: complaining. Dylan glanced at him dubiously. She did not really want to get into a discussion with this tweed-covered, middle-aged man and end up being drawn into awkward conversation all the way to Aberdeen. She shrugged, a gesture almost lost under her heavy parka.
He carried on, unfazed by her lack of enthusiasm. "I mean, the prices they're charging, you'd think they could be on time. But oh no. Outrageous. I've been waiting here for twenty minutes, and you know when it comes in there won't be a seat to be had. Terrible service."
Dylan looked around. Though a cross-section of society loitered under the various points of shelter, the platform was not so crowded that she could just melt away and disappear.
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