第五章: 暴风雨 | 黑骏马(简化版)
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One day in the autumn my master had to go to a distant town on business. John harnessed me to the carriage and the three of us went off. There had been a lot of rain, and the wind was very strong. When we came to the river, the water was so high it nearly reached the wooden bridge, and many of the fields were under water. In one low part of the road the water was half-way up to my knees.
We got to the town and the master's business took a long time. It was late in the afternoon when we started back for home. The wind was much stronger, and as we drove through a wood, I heard my master say, "I've never been out in a storm as bad as this, John." Indeed, I thought so too, hearing the terrible noise of that wild wind in the trees.
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第五章: 暴风雨