第三章: 火灾 | 远离尘嚣(简化版)
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Two months later Gabriel went to the great fair at Casterbridge, hoping to find a job as farm manager. But when he realized by late afternoon that none of the farmers at Casterbridge wanted a farm manager, or even a shepherd, he decided to try his luck at another fair the next day. It was fifteen miles further away, in a village the other side of Weatherbury. The name Weatherbury reminded him of Bathsheba, and he wondered if she still lived there. He set out on foot as it was getting dark, and had already walked three or four miles when he saw a cart, half-full of hay, by the side of the road. "That's a comfortable place to sleep," he thought, and he was so tired after his long, disappointing day at the fair that when he climbed into the cart, he fell asleep immediately.
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第三章: 火灾