(46) 不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or Treat |
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August said he wasn't feeling well enough to go trick-or-treating later in the afternoon, which was sad for him because I know how much he loved to trick-or-treat -- especially after it got dark outside. Even though I was well beyond the trick-or-treating stage myself, I usually threw on some mask or other to accompany him up and down the blocks, watching him knocking on people's doors, giddy with excitement. I knew it was the one night a year when he could truly be like every other kid. No one knew he was different under the mask. To August, that must have felt absolutely amazing.
At seven o'clock that night, I knocked on his door.
"Hey," I said.
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(46) 不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or Treat