第十八章: 看什么都是两个图像的士兵 The Soldier Who Saw Everything Twice | 第二十二条军规
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Yossarian owed his good health to exercise, fresh air, teamwork and good sportsmanship; it was to get away from them all that he had first discovered the hospital. When the physical-education officer at Lowery Field ordered everyone to fall out for calisthenics one afternoon, Yossarian, the private, reported instead at the dispensary with what he said was a pain in his right side.
"Beat it," said the doctor on duty there, who was doing a crossword puzzle.
"We can't tell him to beat it," said a corporal. "There's a new directive out about abdominal complaints. We have to keep them under observation five days because so many of them have been dying after we make them beat it."
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第十八章: 看什么都是两个图像的士兵 The Soldier Who Saw Everything Twice