A Telephonic Conversation | 马克吐温小说集
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Consider that a conversation by telephone -- when you are simply sitting by and not taking any part in that conversation -- is one of the solemnest curiosities of modern life. Yesterday I was writing a deep article on a sublime philosophical subject while such a conversation was going on in the room. I notice that one can always write best when somebody is talking through a telephone close by. Well, the thing began in this way. A member of our household came in and asked me to have our house put into communication with Mr. Bagley's downtown. I have observed, in many cities, that the sex always shrink from calling up the central office themselves. I don't know why, but they do. So I touched the bell, and this talk ensued:
Central Office. (Gruffly.) Hello!
I. Is it the Central Office?
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A Telephonic Conversation