第二十一章: 图林·图伦拔 Of Túrin Turambar | 精灵宝钻: 魔戒起源
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Rían, daughter of Belegund, was the wife of Huor, son of Galdor; and she was wedded to him two months before he went with Húrin his brother to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. When no tidings came of her lord she fled into the wild; but she was aided by the Grey-elves of Mithrim, and when her son Tuor was born they fostered him. Then Rían departed from Hithlum, and going to the Haudh-en-Ndengin she laid herself down upon it and died.
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第二十一章: 图林·图伦拔 Of Túrin Turambar