弥补错误的方法 Make Up For the Mistakes |
英语美文: 成功
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Q. If a wrong is done, how can it be reversed or undone?
A. Do the opposite. Try to make up for it. Not only stop doing wrong, but you continue doing right, or start doing right. Not only do we not steal from other people, but we also help the people who are poor and truly in need. That's the true correction for what we did. For example, you have a husband and you have an affair with another man. For example, for example, please. (Laughter) Now you feel sorry about it. It is not only that you have already stopped the affair because your husband doesn't like it, but you also have to love your husband more. Take care of him more. Let him feel better. Let your family relationship become more solid and happier for you, your husband, and your children. That's the positive way of repenting our wrong deed. Not only we stop doing wrong, but we have to do right.
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弥补错误的方法 Make Up For the Mistakes