第十三章: 沉默的教堂 Silence in the Churches | 你当像鸟飞往你的山
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In September the twin towers fell. I'd never heard of them until they were gone. Then I watched as planes sank into them, and I stared, bewildered, at the TV as the unimaginably tall structures swayed, then buckled. Dad stood next to me. He'd come in from the junkyard to watch. He said nothing. That evening he read aloud from the Bible, familiar passages from Isaiah, Luke, and the Book of Revelation, about wars and rumors of wars.
Three days later, when she was nineteen, Audrey was married -- to Benjamin, a blond-haired farm boy she'd met waitressing in town. The wedding was solemn. Dad had prayed and received a revelation: "There will be a conflict, a final struggle for the Holy Land," he'd said. "My sons will be sent to war. Some of them will not come home."
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第十三章: 沉默的教堂 Silence in the Churches