第一百零二章: 凡兰蒂 Valentine | 基督山伯爵
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The night-light continued to burn on Valentine's mantelpiece, exhausting the last drops of oil still floating on the water. Already the alabaster of the shade was reddening and a brighter flame flared up, crackling with those last sparks that represent, in inanimate objects, the final death throes, so often compared to those of poor human creatures. A faint, sinister light cast an opal hue over the white curtains and the sheets on the young woman's bed. All sound from the street, for once, was hushed and the silence was dreadful.
Now it was that the door to Edouard's room opened and a head which we have already seen appeared in the mirror opposite the door: it was Mme de Villefort, coming to see the effect of her potion.
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第一百零二章: 凡兰蒂 Valentine