第十五章: 伯爵夫妇的证词 The Evidence of Count and Countess Andrenyi | 东方快车谋杀案
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Count and Countess Andrenyi were next summoned. The Count, however, entered the dining car alone.
There was no doubt that he was a fine-looking man seen face to face. He was at least six feet in height, with broad shoulders and slender hips. He was dressed in very well-cut English tweeds, and might have been taken for an Englishman had it not been for the length of his moustache and something in the line of the cheekbone.
"Well, Messieurs," he said, "what can I do for you?"
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第十五章: 伯爵夫妇的证词 The Evidence of Count and Countess Andrenyi