第四章: 阿拉丁的爱情 Aladdin's love | 阿拉丁和神灯(简化版)
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Five years later, Aladdin had a shop in the market and three market-sellers worked for him. The sellers liked Aladdin because he was good to them. The market children liked Aladdin too, because he gave them money when he walked past. Everybody liked Aladdin.
Aladdin's mother never called her son a good-for-nothing now. They had a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things. But only Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee.
One day Aladdin heard a noise in the street and stopped to listen. "The Sultan's daughter is coming," he heard. "Princess Badr-al-Budur is coming!"
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第四章: 阿拉丁的爱情 Aladdin's love