第七十四章: 维尔福的家墓 The Villefort Family Vault | 基督山伯爵
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Two days later, a considerable throng gathered at around ten in the morning at M. de Villefort's door and watched a long line of funeral carriages and private coaches extending the whole length of the Faubourg Saint-Honoré and the Rue de la Pépinière. Among them there was one of peculiar shape which seemed to have travelled a long way. It was a sort of waggon, painted black, which had been one of the first to arrive for this sad appointment. On enquiry it had been learnt that, by a strange coincidence, this carriage contained the body of M. de Saint-Méran, so those who had come for a single funeral would find themselves following two bodies.
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第七十四章: 维尔福的家墓 The Villefort Family Vault