第五部 第一章: 掩体纪元67年,银河系猎户旋臂 Bunker Era, Year 67, Orion Arm of the Milky Way | 三体3: 死神永生
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Examining the data was Singer's job; judging the sincerity of the coordinates was Singer's joy.
Singer understood that what he did wasn't important -- it just filled in the pieces. But it had to be done, and the task was enjoyable.
Speaking of enjoyment, when this seed had departed from the home world, that world was still a place full of joy. But later, as the home world began to war against the fringe world, joy diminished. By now, more than ten thousand grains of time had passed. There wasn't much joy to speak of on the home world or in this seed. The happiness of the past was recorded in classical songs, and singing those songs was another of the few joys left.
Singer sang one of these classical songs as he reviewed the data.
I see my love;
I fly next to her;
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第五部 第一章: 掩体纪元67年,银河系猎户旋臂 Bunker Era, Year 67, Orion Arm of the Milky Way