第三十六回: 犵鸟蛮花天万里,朔云边雪路千盘 | 鹿鼎记
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When they had eaten a little dried venison, they lay under the bank, making themselves as comfortable as they could, and rested; then, at about nine o'clock, they got up and began stealthily making their way towards the fort. It was a bright moonlit night and, as they drew nearer, they could see the huge stones and massive timbers of which the walls were made. Clearly this was no recent structure and had taken a long time to build. Trinket now felt sure that the Russians who built it could not possibly have known about the map and its closely'guarded secret. He had not been reckoning with the moonlight and suddenly realized that the long shadows they were casting were making them an easy target for anyone on the walls with a firearm. He could see a wooden guardhouse on the south'east corner of the fort with a single window from which, through a chink in the shutters, a little light was gleaming. Pulling Doublet after him, he ran to take cover there and reconnoitre. As they crouched in the shadows beneath the window, they heard a little giggling laugh and looked at each other with the same unspoken question: What was a woman doing there?
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第三十六回: 犵鸟蛮花天万里,朔云边雪路千盘