Chapter 1: Godlike Parents The Myth of the Perfect Parent | 原生家庭: 如何修补自己的性格缺陷
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The ancient Greeks had a problem. The gods looked down from their ethereal playground atop Mount Olympus and passed judgment on everything the Greeks were up to. And if the gods weren't pleased, they were swift to punish. They didn't have to be kind; they didn't have to be just; they didn't even have to be right. In fact, they could be downright irrational. At their whim, they could turn you into an echo or make you push a boulder uphill for all eternity. Needless to say, the unpredictability of these powerful gods sowed quite a bit of fear and confusion among their mortal followers.
Not unlike many toxic parent-child relationships. An unpredictable parent is a fearsome god in the eyes of a child.
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Chapter 1: Godlike Parents The Myth of the Perfect Parent