第十五章: 卡迈克尔·克拉克爵士 Sir Carmichael Clarke | ABC谋杀案
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Churston, lying as it does between Brixham on the one side and Paignton and Torquay on the other, occupies a position about halfway round the curve of Torbay. Until about ten years ago it was merely a golf links and below the links a green sweep of countryside dropping down to the sea with only a farmhouse or two in the way of human occupation. But of late years there had been big building developments between Churston and Paignton and the coastline is now dotted with small houses and bungalows, new roads, etc.
Sir Carmichael Clarke had purchased a site of some two acres commanding an uninterrupted view of the sea. The house he had built was of modern design -- a white rectangle that was not unpleasing to the eye. Apart from two big galleries that housed his collection it was not a large house.
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第十五章: 卡迈克尔·克拉克爵士 Sir Carmichael Clarke