Dino opens the door. He laughs when he sees Britt-Marie, who assumes she has pressed the wrong doorbell, but in fact it turns out Dino always has his dinner with Vega and Omar, and Dino isn't necessarily laughing at her. Apparently, in spite of her first impressions, that is how things are done in Borg. People seem to have their dinners at other people's homes just like that, and then go around laughing as if they hadn't a care in the world. Omar comes running into the hall and points at Britt-Marie.
"Take off your shoes. Sami gets really pissed off otherwise because he just mopped the floor!"
"I do not get pissed off!" comes a voice from the kitchen, sounding fairly pissed off.
"He's always in a foul one when it's our cleaning day," explains Omar to Britt-Marie.
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