第十章: 电动车的复仇 The Revenge of the Electric Car | 硅谷钢铁侠
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There are so many television commercials for cars and trucks that it's easy to become immune to them and ignore what's taking place in the ads. That's okay. Because there's not really much of note happening. Carmakers looking to put a modicum of effort into their ads have been hawking the exact same things for decades: a car with a bit more room, a few extra miles per gallon, better handling, or an extra cup holder. Those that can't find anything interesting at all to tout about their cars turn to scantily clad women, men with British accents, and, when necessary, dancing mice in tuxedos to try and convince people that their products are better than the rest. Next time a car ad appears on your television, pause for a moment and really listen to what's being said. When you realize that the Volkswagen sign-and-drive "event" is code for "we're making the experience of buying a car slightly less miserable than usual," you'll start to appreciate just how low the automotive industry has sunk.
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第十章: 电动车的复仇 The Revenge of the Electric Car