续集: 新一任达西先生花落马修•瑞斯 | 傲慢与偏见
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The BBC is to broadcast a new series of Death Comes to Pemberley, with Matthew Rhys as Fitzwilliam Darcy and Anna Maxwell Martin as Elizabeth Bennett.
The adaptation tells the story of Jane Austen's couple when they are six years married, living in their new home Pemberley.
Rhys, who has previously appeared in Brothers and Sisters and The Mystery of Edwin Drood, has already admitted he faces the "challenge" of competing with the memory of Colin Firth's Mr Darcy.
Rhys said: "Exciting as it is, one of the challenges of a part such as Darcy are the comparisons that will be drawn to those who've institutionalised him in the past.
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续集: 新一任达西先生花落马修•瑞斯