第二十八章 | 摆渡人2: 重返荒原
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The human girl stayed close to Tristan as he led them out of the tunnel. Susanna watched them, noticing the tight grip she had on his hand, the quick, discreet glances she kept shooting back at Susanna. Behind her, Jack tripped along. It wasn't like him to be so quiet, to let someone else take charge. It probably wouldn't last very long.
The lashing rain had stopped. Now the sky hung low and angry. Susanna glanced up at it as they stepped out from beneath the arched opening to the tunnel -- and promptly walked straight into the broad strength of Tristan's back.
"Oof! Sorry," she mumbled, bouncing back unsteadily into the path of Jack, who shifted to avoid her rather than catch her. Instead, it was Tristan who shot out an arm to prevent her from falling. His grip was strong, the heat of his hand soaking through the damp woolen fabric of the cardigan she wore.
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