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The trolley's door was jammed, so Jill and Carlos had to climb out of a window, Carlos look-ing as drained as Jill felt. It was a frankly weird coinci-dence that the trolley had ended up exactly where they needed to go, but then the last several hours -- hell, weeks -- had been weird. Jill thought it would serve her well to stop letting things surprise her. The clock tower yard seemed empty of life, nothing moving but a thin haze of oily smoke boiling up from the cable car's electrical system. They walked to the unused decorative fountain in front of the main doors, gazing up at the giant clock and the small belfry that topped the tower, Jill's thoughts heavy with images of Mikhail Victor. She'd never even been properly intro-duced to the man who'd saved her life, but she thought that they'd lost a valuable ally. The strength of charac-ter it took to die so that another might live…
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Chapter 16