The Man Who Was Away | 来自雪河的人
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The widow sought the lawyer's room with children three in tow, She told the lawyer man her tale in tones of deepest woe. Said she, "My husband took to drink for pains in his inside, And never drew a sober breath from then until he died.
"He never drew a sober breath, he died without a will, And I must sell the bit of land the childer's mouths to fill. There's some is grown and gone away, but some is childer yet, And times is very bad indeed -- a livin's hard to get.
"There's Min and Sis and little Chris, they stops at home with me, And Sal has married Greenhide Bill that breaks for Bingeree. And Fred is drovin' Conroy's sheep along the Castlereagh, And Charley's shearin' down the Bland, and Peter is away."
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The Man Who Was Away