第七章: 哈里斯生气了 | 三怪客泛舟记(简化版)
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Harris told me about the maze as we were passing through Molesey lock. Our boat was the only one in the lock that day. Usually it is very busy. On Sundays, when the weather is fine, there are boats everywhere. Everybody comes down to the river. They wear brightly coloured clothes, and the river is full of colour -- yellow, and blue, and orange, and green, and white, and red and pink.
At Hampton Harris wanted to get out and have a look at the church there, but I refused to stop. I have never liked visiting churches, but Harris loves them. He said,'I've looked forward to visiting Hampton Church ever since we decided to make this trip. 'He added,'I only came on the trip because I thought we were going there!'
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第七章: 哈里斯生气了