第十一章: 崇尚武力的克拉丽丝 Clarisse Blows Up Everything | 波西·杰克逊2: 魔兽之海
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"You are in so much trouble," Clarisse said.
We'd just finished a ship tour we didn't want, through dark rooms overcrowded with dead sailors. We'd seen the coal bunker, the boilers and engine, which huffed and groaned like it would explode any minute. We'd seen the pilothouse and the powder magazine and gunnery deck (Clarisse's favorite) with two Dahlgren smoothbore can-nons on the port and starboard sides and a Brooke nine-inch rifled gun fore and aft -- all specially refitted to fire celestial bronze cannon balls.
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第十一章: 崇尚武力的克拉丽丝 Clarisse Blows Up Everything