Class II Section III. Form |
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1. General Form #240. Form. -- N. form, figure, shape; conformation, configuration; make, formation, frame, construction, cut, set, build, trim, cut of one's jib; stamp, type, cast, mold; fashion; contour &c. (outline) 230; structure &c. 329; plasmature[obs3]. feature, lineament, turn; phase &c. (aspect) 448; posture, attitude, pose. [Science of form] morphism. [Similarity of form] isomorphism. forming &c. v.; formation, figuration, efformation[obs3]; sculpture; plasmation[obs3]. V. form, shape, figure, fashion, efform[obs3], carve, cut, chisel, hew, cast; rough hew, rough cast; sketch; block out, hammer out; trim; lick into shape, put into shape; model, knead, work up into, set, mold, sculpture; cast, stamp; build &c. (construct) 161. Adj. formed &c. v. [Receiving form] plastic, fictile[obs3]; formative; fluid. [Giving form] plasmic[obs3]. [Similar in form] isomorphous. [taking several forms] pleomorphic; protean; changeable, &c. 149.
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Class II Section III. Form