第二十章: 布蕾妮 Brienne | 冰与火之歌4: 群鸦的盛宴
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East of Maidenpool the hills rose wild, and the pines closed in about them like a host of silent grey-green soldiers.
Nimble Dick said the coast road was the shortest way, and the easiest, so they were seldom out of sight of the bay. The towns and villages along the shore grew smaller as they went, and less frequent. At nightfall they would seek an inn. Crabb would share the common bed with other travelers, whilst Brienne took a room for her and Podrick. "Cheaper if we all shared the same bed, m'lady," Nimble Dick would say. "You could lay your sword between us. Old Dick's a harmless fellow. Chivalrous as a knight, and honest as the day is long."
"The days are growing shorter," Brienne pointed out.
"Well, that may be. If you don't trust me in the bed, I could just curl up on the floor, m'lady."
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第二十章: 布蕾妮 Brienne