戴夫·梅斯兰:冷漠的解药,让我们不再冷漠 Dave Meslin: The Antidote to Apathy |
英语美文: 演说
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How often do we hear that people just don't care? How many times have you been told that real, substantial change isn't possible because most people are too selfish, too stupid or too lazy to try to make a difference in their community? I propose to you today that apathy as we think we know it doesn't actually exist, but rather, that people do care, but that we live in a world that actively discourages engagement by constantly putting obstacles and barriers in our way.
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戴夫·梅斯兰:冷漠的解药,让我们不再冷漠 Dave Meslin: The Antidote to Apathy