第十二章: 父与子 Father and Son | 基督山伯爵
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M. Noirtier (for this was the man who had just entered) kept an eye on the servant until the door had closed. Then, doubtless fearing that he might be listening in the antechamber, he went and opened it again behind him. This was no vain precaution, and the speed of Germain's retreat proved that he was no stranger to the sin that caused the downfall of our first parents. M. Noirtier then took the trouble to go himself and shut the door of the antechamber, returned and shut that of the bedroom, slid the bolts and went over to take Villefort's hand. The young man, meanwhile, had been following these manoeuvres with a surprise from which he had not yet recovered.
"How now! Do you know, dear Gérard," Noirtier said, looking at his son with an ambiguous smile, "that you do not appear altogether overjoyed at seeing me?"
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第十二章: 父与子 Father and Son