第十一章: 劳拉·莱昂丝 | 福尔摩斯: 巴斯克维尔的猎犬(简化版)
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I told Sir Henry about Laura Lyons, and that I wanted to speak to her as soon as possible. Then I went to her house in Newtown.
A maid took me into the sitting room, where a very pretty lady with dark hair was working at a typewriter. I told her who I was, and that I had met her father.
"I have no contact with my father," she said. " He gave me no help when I was in trouble. Sir Charles Baskerville and some other kind people helped me when I was poor and hungry."
"It is about Sir Charles that I have come to see you," I said. "I want to know if you ever wrote to him and asked him to meet you."
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第十一章: 劳拉·莱昂丝