第十三章: 路路通又一次证明:幸运总是向勇敢的人微笑 In which Passepartout Receives a New Proof that Fortune Favors the Brave | 八十天环游地球
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The project was a bold one, full of difficulty, perhaps impracticable. Mr. Fogg was going to risk life, or at least liberty, and therefore the success of his tour. But he did not hesitate, and he found in Sir Francis Cromarty an enthusiastic ally.
As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed. His master's idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. He began to love Phileas Fogg.
There remained the guide: what course would he adopt? Would he not take part with the Indians? In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality.
Sir Francis frankly put the question to him.
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第十三章: 路路通又一次证明:幸运总是向勇敢的人微笑 In which Passepartout Receives a New Proof that Fortune Favors the Brave