第十三章: 迎接恩典降临 The Welcoming of Grace | 少有人走的路
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And we are left again facing paradox. Throughout this book I have been writing of spiritual growth as if it were an orderly, predictable process. It has been implied that spiritual growth may be learned as one might learn a field of knowledge through a Ph. D. program; if you pay your tuition and work hard enough, of course you will succeed and get your degree. I have interpreted Christ's saying "Many are called but few are chosen" to mean that very few choose to heed the call of grace because of the difficulties involved. By this interpretation I have indicated that whether or not we become blessed by grace is a matter of our choice. Essentially, I have been saying that grace is earned. And I know this to be true.
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第十三章: 迎接恩典降临 The Welcoming of Grace