第三章: 好运的奇迹 The Miracle of Serendipity | 少有人走的路
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While it is perhaps possible for us to conceive of the extraordinary wisdom of the unconscious, as discussed thus far, as being an ultimately explainable part of a molecular brain operating with miraculous technology, we still have no conceivable explanation for so-called "psychic phenomena," which are clearly related to the operation of the unconscious. In a series of sophisticated experiments Montague Ullman, M. D., and Stanley Krippner, Ph. D., conclusively demonstrated that it is possible for an awake individual to repeatedly and routinely "transmit" images to another individual sleeping many rooms away, and that these images will appear in the dreams of the sleeper. Such transmission does not occur only in the laboratory. For instance, it is not uncommon for two individuals known to each other to independently have the same or incredibly similar dreams. How does this happen? We don't have the faintest idea.
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第三章: 好运的奇迹 The Miracle of Serendipity