(83) 奥吉娃娃 The Auggie Doll | 奇迹男孩
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For a while, the "War" was all we talked about. February was when it was really at its worst. That's when practically nobody was talking to us, and Julian had started leaving notes in our lockers. The notes to Jack were stupid, like: You stink, big cheese! and Nobody likes you anymore!
I got notes like: Freak! And another that said: Get out of our school, orc!
Summer thought we should report the notes to Ms. Rubin, who was the middle-school dean, or even Mr. Tushman, but we thought that would be like snitching. Anyway, it's not like we didn't leave notes, too, though ours weren't really mean. They were kind of funny and sarcastic.
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(83) 奥吉娃娃 The Auggie Doll