英语笑话 (English Jokes)
作者: [未知] 未知 (unknow)
分类: 其它,
难度: 高中,
长度: 短篇,
语言: 双语
让小的干吧 Get the kid
懂得一门外语的重要性 The Importance of Knowing a Foreign Language
我想给它一个惊喜 I want to surprise it
能让我们的老师回去吗?Can we have our teacher back?
谁的五毛钱? Whose 50 Cents?
三只乌龟 Three Turtles
到底谁输了? Who on earth Lost?
怎样做? How to do it?
成功的关键 Keys to Success
婚姻的成本 The cost of marriage
好消息和坏消息 Good news and Bad news
律师与工程师 Lawyer and engineer
这是她的丈夫 This is her husband
我把丈夫变成了百万富翁 It is I who made my husband a millionaire
长寿秘诀 Get the kid
传教士买鹦鹉 The Preacher Buys a Parrot
我为什么逃避手术?Why did I avoid surgery?
聪明狗 Smart dog
跳高 High jump
开个玩笑 Make fun of
吠狗不咬人 Barking dogs don't bite
小心有狗 Be careful with dogs
决斗 Duel
不要告诉她 Don't tell her
我的狗不识字 My dog can't read
我在扮演妈妈 I'm acting as a mother.
好孩子 A Good Boy
和母亲一样的女孩 A girl like his mother
学会礼貌 Learn to be polite
最会说谎说的人 The most liar
理发 Haircut
离事故有多远 Distance from the accident
交通事故 Car accident
谁倒霉 Who is unlucky?
罗纳尔多和梅西 Ronaldo and Messi
生物课 Biology class
最后一个甜圈 The last doughnut
困惑 Puzzle
一百分 One Hundred