失落的世界 (The Lost World)
作者: [苏格兰] 阿瑟·柯南·道尔 (Arthur Conan Doyle)
又名《遗失的世界》《失去的世界》。故事讲述一队探险队到南美洲一个高原上探险,而这个高原上依然生存着一些史前生物(恐龙以及其他已绝种生物)。其中一个角色查伦诸教授(Professor Challenger)在书中第一次出场,其后亦在柯南道尔其他科幻小说中出现。
分类: 悬疑,
难度: 大学,
长度: 长篇,
语言: 双语
Chapter 1: There Are Heroisms All Round Us
Chapter 2: Try Your Luck with Professor Challenger
Chapter 3: He is a Perfectly Impossible Person
Chapter 4: It's Just the very Biggest Thing in the World
Chapter 5: Question!
Chapter 6: I was the Flail of the Lord
Chapter 7: To-morrow we Disappear into the Unknown
Chapter 8: The Outlying Pickets of the New World
Chapter 9: Who could have Foreseen it?
Chapter 10: The most Wonderful Things have Happened
Chapter 11: For once I was the Hero
Chapter 12: It was Dreadful in the Forest
Chapter 13: A Sight which I shall Never Forget
Chapter 14: Those Were the Real Conquests
Chapter 15: Our Eyes have seen Great Wonders
Chapter 16: A Procession! A Procession!