我的枷锁与我的自由 (My Bondage and My Freedom)
作者: [美国] 弗莱德里克·道格拉斯 (Frederick Douglass)
分类: 传记,
难度: 大学,
长度: 长篇,
语言: 双语
Chapter 1: Childhood
Chapter 2: Removed from My First Home
Chapter 3: Parentage
Chapter 4: A General Survey of the Slave Plantation
Chapter 5: Gradual Initiation to the Mysteries of Slavery
Chapter 6: Treatment of Slaves on Lloyd's Plantation
Chapter 7: Life in the Great House
Chapter 8: A Chapter of Horrors
Chapter 9: Personal Treatment
Chapter 10: Life in Baltimore
Chapter 11: "A Change Came O'er the Spirit of My Dream"
Chapter 12: Religious Nature Awakened
Chapter 13: The Vicissitudes of Slave Life
Chapter 14: Experience in St. Michael's
Chapter 15: Covey, the Negro Breaker
Chapter 16: Another Pressure of the Tyrant's Vice
Chapter 17: The Last Flogging
Chapter 18: New Relations and Duties
Chapter 19: The Run-Away Plot
Chapter 20: Apprenticeship Life
Chapter 21: My Escape from Slavery
Chapter 22: Liberty Attained
Chapter 23: Introduced to the Abolitionists
Chapter 24: Twenty-One Months in Great Britain
Chapter 25: Various Incidents
Reception Speech: At Finsbury Chapel, Moorfields, England, May 12, 1846
Dr. Campbell's Reply
Letter to His Old Master: To My Old Master, Thomas Auld
The Nature of Slavery: Extract from a Lecture on Slavery, at Rochester, December 1, 1850
Inhumanity of Slavery: Extract from A Lecture on Slavery, at Rochester, December 8, 1850
What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?: Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852
The Internal Slave Trade: Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852
The Slavery Party: Extract from a Speech Delivered before the A. A. S.
The Anti-slavery Movement: Extracts from a Lecture before Various